Application Guidelines

To apply as a Global Emile Noël Fellow, please be sure that you select the correct application form which is clearly labeled. Please see below for further details regarding this new application.

For categories of Fellowship, financial details, and other logistics, please refer to the Fellowship Overview

Required Application Materials Checklist

  1. Completed and Signed Global Emile Noel Fellowship Program Online Application Form
    •  Be sure when applying that you are filling out the application form which is specifically labeled as the Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice.
  2. Detailed Curriculum Vitae
  3. Personal Statement
  4. Two Letters of Recommendation
  5. Research Proposal with One Page Abstract
  6. Statement(s) of Funding
  7. TOEFL Score/Statement of English Language Proficiency
  8. Recent Publication in English


1.  Global Visitors Fellowship Program Online Application Form

Applicants must complete all sections of the Global Emile Noel Fellowship Program Online Application form. Please note that all application materials, except recommendation letters, can and should be uploaded and submitted via the online application.

2.  Curriculum Vitae

The Curriculum Vitae is an integral part of the selection process, and must contain complete information on academic institutions, honors, and/or awards, and all professional experience (current and previous, including dates of employment and job descriptions).  Please note that all CV’s should list titles as they appear in your system rather than translating them into the terminology of the American system.

3.  Personal Statement

The Personal Statement should be limited to 500 words.  The applicant should respond to the following question:
What are your intellectual and professional aspirations?

4. Letters of Recommendation

Two letters of recommendation should be submitted from academics or legal professionals who can speak authoritatively on the applicant’s abilities, specifically as they relate to the applicant’s research proposal.  These should be confidential letters from the referees, and should not be seen by the applicant.

Letters should be in the form of a PDF file or a scanned electronic version of a hard copy, must be signed by the person writing the letter, and should be sent directly by the recommender via email to

5. Research Proposal

A well-developed research proposal is a critical part of the application.  It is expected that all Fellows will be at a stage in their research and writing process where they will be able to complete a piece of publishable scholarship during their time in residence at the Law School.  To that end, we require a detailed research proposal that describes the research questions, the methodology to be utilized, the expected results of the work, and the projected contribution to the field of inquiry.  The research proposal should be preceded by a one-page abstract.  The title of the proposal should indicate fully the nature of the research project.

Please note: The selection of Fellows will take into consideration the credentials of the applicants, the interest of the program in the proposed research project, and possible synergies with the research of other Fellows.

NYU does not discriminate because of age, citizenship status, color, disability, marital or parental status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.

6. Statement of Funding

Applicants must list the sources and amounts of any monies they expect to receive earmarked to fund the time spent as a participant in the Fellowship Program. We require all applicants to provide granting documentation from sponsoring organizations detailing the amount and terms of all the monies granted during their residency at NYU.  Applicants who are currently employed must submit documentation from their employer stating any remit they will receive.  If the applicants will be completely self-funded (i.e. receiving no support from a sponsoring organization or employer), that fact must also be stated in a separate document and submitted with the application.

7. TOEFL Score/Statement of English Language Proficiency

Command of the English language is vital to active participation in the Fellowship Program. As such, applicants are expected to have a level of English language proficiency sufficient to write a publishable piece in English and to participate in the Global Fellows Forum and other discussions.

For applicants from non-English speaking countries, proof of English language proficiency is required. If the applicant has received a degree from an English speaking institution, the language requirement will be considered satisfied without further proof. If the applicant has published academic works in English, the written language proficiency requirement will be satisfied with submission of a copy of one such article (see point 8 below). Evidence of oral proficiency may, however, be required.

For all other applicants from non-English speaking countries, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) will be required.  Please contact the Educational Testing Service (ETS) for information on scheduling a test date: Test of English as a Foreign Language, Educational Testing Service, P.O. Box 6151, Princeton, NJ 08541-6151,  For purposes of application to the Fellowship Program, we will accept unofficial copies of the applicant’s TOEFL Score Report.

8. Recent Publication in English

Please include one recent publication in English of no more than 20 pages.  Please send the publication in digital form, and note that the work must be originally published in English, not translated into English.

Online Application

The deadline for receipt of Global Visitors Program applications and application materials for the 2024-2025 academic year is January 15th, 2025.

Submitting Application Materials

All application materials should be attached digitally to the Global Visitors Application forms, as outlined in the application instructions.
The only application materials that may be submitted separate to the above process are recommendation letters.  They may be sent by email to directly from the recommender.

Application Deadline

The deadline for receipt of Global Emile Noel Fellowship Program applications and application materials for the 2025-2026 academic year is January 15th, 2025. Applications not received, or not complete, by this time will be not considered for participation in the Fellowship Program in the 2025-2026 academic year. Please note that our deadline is dictated in part by the Department of State visa requirements and, therefore, we are unable to offer extensions.

Any questions regarding the Fellowship Program should be directed to

Please note: All applications and attachments must be submitted via the online application form. Faxed, mailed or handwritten copies are not acceptable and will not be considered. If you are unable to fulfill the above stipulation please contact us immediately.