We were delighted to welcome United States Supreme Court Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Clarence Thomas; Judges and former Judges of European Member State Constitutional Courts (France: Olivier Dutheillet de Lamothe; Germany: Brun-Otto Bryde, Dieter Grimm and Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff; Italy: Valerio Onida; Portugal: Rui Manuel Gens de Moura Ramos; Spain: Francisco Rubio Llorente; United Kingdom: Lord Scott of Foscote and Lord Justice Stephen Sedley); and Members of the European Court of Justice (Judge Koenraad Lenaerts, Advocates General Francis Jacobs and Miguel Poiares Maduro). In addition the Colloquium included scholars in the fields of European and American Constitutional Law (Rachel Barkow, Eleanor Fox, David Golove, Stephen Holmes, Mattias Kumm, Lester Pollack (all from NYU); Pasquale Pasquino (CNRS, Paris & NYU Global Law School); Eric Stein (Michigan); Neil Walker (European University Institute, Florence); Marta Cartabia (Verona) and José M. de Areilza (Instituto de Empresa, Madrid). The dialogue was convened and moderated by Joseph Weiler.
Date: July 9 – 11, 2003
Location: New York University’s Villa La Pietra in Florence