Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez is Professor of public law at Université Paris Nanterre, director of the CREDOF (Centre d’études et de recherches sur les droits fondamentaux) and a senior member of the Institut universitaire de France. She was a post-doctoral Fulbright fellow at Northwestern University Law School, a Marie Curie Fellow at the European University Institute and a Law & Public Affairs Fellow at Princeton University. Her research focuses on comparative law and legal theory. After working on bioethics for a decade, her interests have turned to law and gender with a particular attention to issues of religious pluralism (religious freedom and non-discrimination) as well as security issues (terrorism and states of emergency). Professor Hennette Vauchez has published extensively in all these fields. She is the author of close to 100 journal articles and book chapters in French, English and Italian. She has authored and co-authored 8 books including one of the most prominent manuals of human rights law in French, an essay on states of emergency (La démocratie en état d’urgence. Quand l’exception devient permanente, Seuil, 2022). She is also the co-editor of 6 volumes including three major francophone references on gender and law (La loi & le genre. Etudes critiques de droit français, Ed. du CNRS, 2014; Ce que le genre fait au droit, Dalloz, 2013; Genre et droit. Ressources pédagogiques, Dalloz, 2016) and the co-editor (with Ruth Rubio Marin) of the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to Gender & Law.
Professor Hennette Vauchez has given talks and speeches in many countries. Besides her scholarly activities, she is also a regular contributor to the public debate. She contributes to the press, is regularly invited to testify in official institutions (national and international) and is involved in several networks bringing together academics, lawyers and human rights organizations. She is also active in the European public debate, especially trough her participation to the T-Dem project with Thomas Piketty, Antoine Vauchez, Guillaume Sacriste, Anne-Laure Delatte and Lucas Chancel (see in particular Stephanie Hennette, Thomas Piketty, Guillaume Sacriste, Antoine Vauchez, How to Democratize Europe, Harvard University Press, 2019 as well as: http://tdem.eu/en/manifesto/ ).
Contact: seh9331@nyu.edu