is an Instructor in the Department of Political Studies and Department of Social Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
Sara Kahn-Nisser has been teaching Political theory and International Relations at Bar Ilan University in Israel for the past 6 years. A grantee of the BIU President’s Fellowship of Excellence for outstanding PhD candidates, she received her PhD with highest distinction in June 2009.
Sara received her BA degree in Media and Political Studies with highest distinction and was recruited as an account manager to the largest advertising agency in Israel-McCann-Erikson. She was then awarded an MA scholarship at Bar Ilan University and received the degree with highest distinction. Her thesis dealt with the Vadi Salib riots and Askenazi-Sepharadic relations in Israel.
Sara’s publications focus on Communitarian Political theory, Inclusion and Diversity in the EU, EU-Turkey relations and Hermeneutic Methodology in IR. Her research interests include: EU Enlargement, the Political Sociology of the EU, contemporary critique of Anglo-American Individual-Liberalism, Interpretive approaches to International Studies, and more.