Rafael Domingo

(born 1963; PhD 1987) is Professor of Law and former Dean of the University of Navarra School of Law (Spain). In addition, Professor Domingo currently serves as Director of the Global Law Collection by Thomson Reuters Aranzadi and President of the Maiestas Foundation. Rafael Domingo is a member of the Spanish Academy of Moral Sciences and Politics (Madrid), the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna), and the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences (Cordoba, Argentina). Professor Domingo has a extensive list of publications, including more than ten books and seventy articles and book reviews on ancient Roman law, comparative law, legal history, and philosophy of international law. His most recent book is entitled The New Global Law (Cambridge University Press, 2010). To see a complete CV visit here.

Research Project

A New Global Paradigm for Religious Freedom

The international community, under the impact of globalization, is being transformed into a new community (novatio communitatis) made up of new members, inspired by new principles, and based on new ideas. During my research year, I aim to justify the existence of this emerging community using four arguments that can be summarized by the Latin terms: dignitas, usus, necessitas, and bonum commune. I will argue that the new global human community comprises persons, not nation-states; that it is universal in nature; that membership in it is compulsory; and that it is incomplete but complementary to other forms of community. These features of the new global human community will determine both the structure of its legal system and its legal authority.