Mihaela Tofan is full professor of law at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Jean Monnet professor, litigant lawyer and Fulbright visiting scholar and NYU. She holds PhD. in legal sciences (University of Bucharest, 2008) and habilitation degree in administrative science (University Babes-Bolyai of Cluj-Napoca, 2019). She is director of the Jean Monnet Chair European Financial Regulation EUFIRE (www.EUFIRE.uaic.ro) and ERASMUS Professor at the University of Perugia, Italy (2010), Arel University Istanbul, Turkey (2012), Ca’Foscari University, Venice – Italy (2014), University of Coimbra (2015), CDA College Larnaca – Cyprus (2016), University of Bordeaux – France (2018). She was invited professor at La Sapienza University, Rome (2001), Britannia School of Business, London (2008), Universitat Catalunya, Barcelona (2009), Universite Paris XIII (2010), University of Economics Warsaw (2010), University of Economics, Prague (2011), University Paris II Sorbonne (2011), University of Thesaloniki (2012), National Academy of Kiev-Mohyla (2012), University of Parma (2015), Bifrost University, Iceland (2016), University of Bologna (2017), Tel Aviv University (2018), Michigan-Flint University (2018). She is author or coauthor of 11 specialized volumes, more than 30 articles published in journals/reviews indexed in international databases. Her research and teaching fields of interest are EU business law and taxation, in particular the legal framework for insuring fiscal responsibility and European harmonization of legal systems. Her habilitation thesis, defended in February 2019, approached the regulatory dimension of public policies for business environment in European Union.