Marco Bassini holds a Ph.D. in Constitutional Law and European Law from the University of Verona and is teaching fellow in Constitutional Law at Bocconi University, from which he graduated in Law (cum laude) in 2010. His doctoral thesis focused on the constitutional protection of fundamental rights on the Internet in a comparative perspective.
His academic interests include Constitutional Law, Transnational Constitutional Law, European Union Law and Media Law.
He was visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg – Germany) and at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg Im Breisgau – Germany), and visiting student at the “T.C. Williams” School of Law of the University of Richmond (VA).
He is also member of the IACL (International research group “Constitutions in the Age of the Internet” and of the Italian Section of the Réseau académique sur la Charte sociale européenne. Furthermore, he is junior fellow of the Italian Academy of the Internet Code (IAIC) and member of the editorial board of the Italian reviews Diritto Mercato Tecnologia and Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo. He is editor of the web portal MediaLaws.eu, focused on law and policy of media in a comparative perspective.
He has co-edited with Professor Oreste Pollicino the volume Towards an Internet Bill of Right (Rome, 2015) and has authored more than 25 among articles and book chapters published by national and international reviews. He has served as speaker in more than 20 events and seminars.
He is qualified lawyer (Bar of Milan, 2013) and has worked for a leading international law firm from 2010 to 2013.