Kris van der Pas is a postdoctoral researcher at Tilburg University, working on a project on judicial lawmaking in public interest litigation. In this research, part of two wider research projects, she looks into US and Dutch class actions by public interest organizations in the fields of discrimination and privacy and the construction of legitimacy by judges when faced with public interest cases. This research is conducted through case law analysis and interviews with judges and clerks.
Kris’ PhD research at Radboud University Nijmegen concerned strategic litigation by civil society organizations in the field of asylum law in Europe. In that study, she empirically tested legal mobilization theory to understand why and how organizations use litigation strategies through comparative case studies of NGOs in the Netherlands, Italy and Germany. The research combined research disciplines in law and political science.
During the course of her PhD, Kris has presented her research at several conferences and workshops, under the auspices of among others IMISCOE, ECPR, and AHRI. Moreover, she has taught courses and developed lectures on strategic litigation/legal mobilization, international/European human rights, and European migration law. Her research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Common Market Studies, the European Journal of Migration and Law, and the International Journal of Human Rights. Next to that, she has published a range of commentaries, such as blogs, short articles and annotations to case law. Lastly, Kris is part of several networks, such as the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research (co-coordinator of its Migration & Borders Working Group), several ECPR Standing Groups, the Dutch Association for European Law (board member of youth division), the Refugee Law Initiative, and Kris has close ties with civil society actors. For the latter, she has conducted consultancies and given presentations on strategic litigation.