Janez Kranjc is Professor Emeritus of the University of Ljubljana where he worked for 45 years. Currently, he is endeavouring to accomplish some research in different areas. Some years ago he has started to examine the phenomenon of corruption. He came across this societal problem when he read texts from classical Antiquity giving evidence of corruptive practices. The other reason for being interested in the problem of corruption is the present situation in Slovenia and in other European countries, especially in those, which experienced the transition from the totalitarian political system into democracy and free-market economy. The reports of the Transparency International show that there is no society without corruption. Nevertheless, there are big differences. Especially the transition from a totalitarian into democratic society can bring with itself the “privatization” of former state institutions and a creation of informal networks governing informally from behind and without any democratic legitimation. A systemic corruption can undermine democratic institutions depriving them of the real power and reducing them into pure forms. He did some initial research in this field during his stay at the University Carlos III in Madrid. During his stay in New York , Professor Kranjc would like to bring it to an end and to publish the results in a book.