Dr. Bernadette Zelger, Mag iur, Dr iur (Innsbruck), LLM (Queen Mary University of London), Postgraduate Diploma (King’s College London) is an Assistant Professor at the Department of European law and Public International law at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Bernadette is a former fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and visiting academic at the Institute of European and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. She was appointed as Max Planck fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich) and as Emil Noel fellow at the Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice at NYU Law School (academic year 2023/24), NYC. Before Bernadette stepped into academia, she gained professional experience in London (QMUL), Brussels (European Commission) and was trained as a lawyer in Vienna where she obtained her qualification (bar exam 2014). Her research focus lies with EU Internal Market Law, EU Competition Law, EU State Aid Law, EU Data Protection Law and EU Economic Constitutional Law, with a special focus on digitization and the challenges related thereto as well as to other challenges of the 21st century (e.g. climate change et al). Moreover, since the beginning of her academic career, Bernadette has published extensively in peer–reviewed journals (inter alia Common Market Law Review, European Competition Journal, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Europarecht – EuR, European Yearbook of International Economic Law, Global Privacy Law Review, European State Aid Law Quarterly etc) and been a speaker at various different national and international conferences. Her monograph Restrictions of EU Competition Law in the Digital Age – The Meaning of ‘Effects’ in a Digital Economy was recently published in the Springer book series Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation.
Contact: bz2625@nyu.edu