is Associate Professor of Italian and European Public Law at the University of Turin, School of Economics. Research Project: “The ‘Guardian of the Constitution’ and Foreign Law: A Matter of Interpretation?”
Stefania Ninatti is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Turin, School of Economics, where she teaches Italian and European Public Law. She received a J.S.D. in Constitutional Law from the University of Milan, School of Law, and has been trained in Germany and United States. Before joining the School of Economics in Turin, she worked at the University of Milan, where she still holds a class of Human Rights as a Visiting Professor (as from 2005).
Her research interests fall broadly in the field of developments in the area of European integration and constitutional questions concerning the reality and juridical meaning of a supranational framework. Her main interests lie in theories of democracy and the democratic principle in case law, and she is the author of two books on European and Italian democracy. Moreover, she has published studies in many different fields of constitutional, comparative and European Union law.