, Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security , European Commission.
Mr. Lambert Schmidt is a fully qualified lawyer/attorney and judge under German law. He also studied history, political science, journalism and, at the London School of Economics, English Law. He has been working as an official with the European Commission for 17 years in various jobs.
Mr Schmidt is currently working on external relations and enlargement issues in the Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security of the European Commission. In this capacity, Mr. Schmidt negotiates the provisions on justice, freedom and security issues in agreements the EU concludes with third countries. These provisions typically cover the rule of law, the protection of personal data, migration, asylum and border management issues as well as combating terrorism; organized crime, illicit drugs and money laundering. Negotiations at present concern Russia, China, Ukraine and a series of countries in South East Asia and Latin America.
In addition to this task, Mr. Schmidt concentrates on present inter alia on relations with the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In the past, Mr. Schmidt dealt with several Eastern European countries during the last enlargement process of the EU as well as with the Western Balkans.