has written extensively in the field of European Union law and policy with a particular focus on the evolving governance structures of the EU. His research has explored the governance of the Single Market and more recently the governance architecture supporting the EU’s Lisbon Strategy and its successor Europe 2020 agenda. His book, Governing Social Inclusion: Europeanization through Policy Coordination (Oxford UP, 2010) was the winner of the UACES 2011 Best Book Prize. He is a member of the editorial board of the European Law Journal. Webpage: http://www.law.qmul.ac.uk/staff/armstrong.html
Research Project
As part of a wider public law analysis of the EU's response to the economic crisis that includes exploration of the constitutional dimension of reforms to the EU's economic governance, the Fellowship will focus on the extent and nature of the delegation of domestic executive authority in the economic sphere to European institutions and agencies. The legal framework for, and legitimacy and accountability of, this shifting pattern of executive power form the core strands of the research.