is a Lecturer in European Law, University of Groningen, Faculty of Law. Research Project: ‘EU’s Possible Future: The Transformative Potential of the Tandem of European Citizenship and Equality’.
Dimitry Kochenov obtained his Ph.D. on ‘EU Enlargement and the Failure of Conditionality’ (Kluwer Law International, 2008) from the University of Groningen and LL.M. in Comparative Constitutional Law from the Central European University in Budapest. He has been teaching European Law at the University of Groningen since 2006 after being Ubbo Emmius Fellow at the Department of European and Economic Law for three years. He is also a Fellow of the Groningen Graduate School of Law and a permanent guest professor at the Euroculture Erasmus Mundus Programme at the Faculty of Arts of the same University.
In recent years Dr. Kochenov has been a guest professor, inter alia, at Osaka Graduate School of Law, Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers (in Angers and Manila) and American Bar Association Rule of Law Promotion Initiative (Kiev), and lectured at a number of institutions, including EURAC (Bolzano), ERA (Trier), and Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg). He also consulted the Government of the Netherlands on the application of EU law in the overseas possessions of the Member States of the Union. His research focuses on EU citizenship law, EU non-discrimination and equality law, EU external relations law and the legal regulation of enlargements, as well as broader issues of democracy and the rule of law.