1998 Jean Monnet Working Papers

No. 1/98
Ari Afilalo
How Far Francovich? Effective Judicial Protection and Associational Standing to Litigate Diffuse Interests in The European Union.

No. 2/98
Michel Petite
The Treaty of Amsterdam.

No. 3/98
Judson Osterhoudt Berkey
The European Court of Justice and Direct Effect for The GATT: A Question Worth Revisiting.

No. 4/98
Larry Cata Backer
Forging Federal Systems Within a Matrix of Contained Conflict: The Example of the European Union

No. 5/98
Francisco Rubio Llorente
Constitutionalism in the “Integrated” States of Europe

No. 6/98
G. Federico Mancini v. J.H.H. Weiler
Europe – The Case for Statehood … and the Case Against An Exchange

No. 7/98
Jo Shaw
Constitutional Settlements and The Citizen After The Treaty of Amsterdam

No. 8/98
Ioannis S. Delicostopoulos
Un Pouvoir de « Pleine Juridiction » pour la Cour Europeenne des Droits de l Homme

No. 9/98
Sungjoon Cho
GATT Non-Violation Issues in the WTO Framework: Are They the Achilles’ Heel of the Dispute Settlement Process?

No. 10/98
Mattias Kumm
Who is the Final Arbiter of Constitutionality in Europe? Three Conceptions of the Relationship between the German Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice and the Fate of the European Market Order for Bananas

Alberto J. Gil Ibanez
A Deeper Insight Into Article 169

Alberto J. Gil Ibanez
Commission Tools For The Supervision and Enforcement Of EC Law Other Than Article 169 EC Treaty: An Attempt at Systematization

Jose M. de Areilza
Enhanced Cooperations in the Treaty of Amsterdam: some critical remarks

Dietmar Nickel and Michel Petite
Amsterdam and European Institutional Balance: A Panel Discussion