Reappraising Subsidiarity's Significance after Amsterdam - Contents
I. Introduction
Setting the context
'Appropriate' levels of decision-making
Exclusive compartments or overlapping spheres?
Internal and external dimensions
II. The adoption of subsidiarity into EC and EU law
Seeking definition: legal and political dimensions
Popular alienation and democratic concerns
The dual legal expression of subsidiarity at Maastricht
Discovering the objectives of the Community
The formal scope of subsidiarity: identifying 'non-exclusive' competence
Integrating proportionality
III. Fleshing out the subsidiarity concept: The Amsterdam Protocol
When is Community action appropriate?
Linking subsidiarity and proportionality
Softer forms of law and shared policy-making
The proceduralisation of subsidiarity: reasoning, consultation and reporting
Subsidiarity and the inter-institutional dimension
Subsidiarity and the Court of Justice
IV. Conclusion
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