I. The NAFTA Mutation of the EC Model Revisited
II. The NAFTA in the WTO System
A. Customs Unions and Free Trade Areas within the WTO System
B. CU/FTAs as WTO Members
C. The Juridical Interface of the NAFTA and WTO
1. Policy and Norms
2. NAFTA Norms on Priority
3. NAFTA Rules on Forum
4. NAFTA Chapter 20 Panel Decisions
a. Canadian Agricultural Tariffs
b. Broom Corn Brooms (Mexico/US)
5. WTO Norms and Forum
a. WTO Norms and Their Relationship to Outside Norms
b. WTO Forum
6. European Court of Justice
7. Observations
III. The NAFTA and the Political Economy of Regionalism
A. NAFTA Economic Effects
1. Intra-NAFTA Economic Effects
2. Effects on third country trade
B. NAFTA Social Effects
C. The NAFTA as a Political Phenomenon
IV. The NAFTA and the WTO System
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