Jean Monnet Center at NYU School of Law

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G. Andrews (ed.) (1991), Citizenship, London: Lawrence and Wishart

K. Armstrong (1996), `Citizenship of the Union? Lessons from Carvel and The Guardian,' 59 Modern Law Review 582-xxx

K. Armstrong (1998), `Legal Integration: Theorizing the Legal Dimension of European Integration', 36 Journal of Common Market Studies 155-74

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P. Eleftheriadis (1998), `Begging the Constitutional Question', 35 Journal of Common Market Studies 255-272

M. Everson (1995), `The Legacy of the Market Citizen', in Shaw and More (1995)

M. Everson (1996), `Women and Citizenship of the European Union', in Hervey and O'Keeffe (1996)

S. Fredman (1997), Women and the Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press

D. Held (1991), `Between State and Civil Society', in Andrews (1991)

D. Herman (1994), Rights of Passage: Struggles for lesbian and gay equality, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994

D. Herman (1996), `(Il)legitimate Minorities: The American Christian Right's Anti-Gay-Rights Discourse', (1996) 23 Journal of Law and Society 346-xxx

T. Hervey and D. O'Keeffe (eds.) (1996), Sex Equality Law in the European Union, Chichester: Chancery Wiley

J. Klausen and L. Tilly (1997a), European Integration in Social and Historical Perspective, Lanham, etc.: Rowman and Littlefield

J. Klausen and L. Tilly (1997b), `European Integration in a Social and Historical Perspective', in Klausen and Tilly (1997a)

D. Kostakopoulou (1996), `Towards a Theory of Contructive Citizenship in Europe', (1996) 4 Journal of Political Philosophy 337-xxx

B. Laffan (1996), `The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe', 34 Journal of Common Market Studies 81-xx

P. Lange (1992), `The Politics of the Social Dimension', in Sbragia (1992)

N. MacCormick (1995), `The Maastricht-Urteil: Sovereignty Now', 1 European Law Journal 259-266

D. O'Keeffe and P. Twomey (eds.) (1994), Legal Issues of the Maastricht Treaty, London: Chancery

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A. Sbragia (ed.) (1992), Euro-Politics: Institutions and Policy-Making in the `New' European Community, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution

J. Shaw (1997), Citizenship of the Union: Towards Postnational Membership?, Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper 6/97

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M. Walzer (1994), Thick and Thin. Moral Argument at Home and Abroad, Notre Dame/London: University of Notre Dame Press

S. Weatherill (1994), `Beyond Preemption? Shared Competence and Constitutional Change in the European Community', in O'Keeffe and Twomey (1994)

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