Jean Monnet Center at NYU School of Law

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Decisions of the European Court of Justice Cited

ECJ (1963). Van Gend en Loos, Case 26/62 ECR 1963, p. 1.

ECJ (1974). Van Duyn, Case 41/74, ECR 1974, p. 1337.

ECJ (1976). Defrenne II, Case 43/75, ECR, 1976, p. 455.

ECJ (1990). Barber, Case 262/88, ECR 1990 [I], p. 1889.

ECJ (1991a). Dekker, Case 177/88, ECR 1991 [I], p. 3941.

ECJ (1991b). Hertz, Case 179/88, ECR 1991 [I], p. 3979.

ECJ (1993). Marshall II, Case 271/91, Common Market Law Reports (1993), p. 293.


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Stone, A. (1994b). 'Judging Socialist Reform: The Politics of Coordinate Construction in France and Germany.' Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 26, pp. 443-69.

Stone Sweet, A. (1995). 'Constitutional Dialogues in the European Community.' EUI Workingpaper RSC No. 95/38 (Florence: European University Institute). A revised version appears in Slaughter, A-M., Stone Sweet, A., and Weiler, J. H. H. (eds), The European Court and the National Courts - Doctrine and Jurisprudence: Legal Change in its Social Context (Oxford: Hart).

Stone Sweet, A. (Forthcoming). 'Judicialization and the Construction of Governance.' Comparative Political Studies.

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