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Case 1/58 Stork [1959] ECR 17
Case 29/69 Stauder [1969] ECR 419
Case 11/70 Internazionale Handelsgesellschaft [1970] ECR 1125
Case 4/73 J. Nold, Kohlen and Baustoffgro?handlung v. Commission of the European Communities, [1974] E.C.R. 491
Case 44/79, Liselotte Hauer v. Land Rheinland-Pfalz, [1979] E.C.R. 3727
Case 12/86 Demirel [1987] ECR 3719
Joined Cases 60&61/84 CinÈthËque [1985] ECR 2605
Case 2/92 The Queen and Ministry of Agriculture ,Fisheries and Food, ex parte Dennis Clifford Bostock, Decision of March 24, 1994
Secondary Literature
Schermers, & Waelbroeck, Judicial Protection in the European Communities, (5th ed)
A. Clapham Human Rights and the European Community: A Critical Overview (1991)
Cassese, Clapham, Weiler (eds) European Union - The Human Rights Challenge Vol. I II III (1991)
Coppel & O'Neill, The European Court of Justice: Taking Rights Seriously? 29 CML Rev 669 (1992)
Weiler & Lockhart, 'Taking Rights Seriously' Seriously: The European Court of Justice and its Fundamental Rights Jurisprudence, Parts I&II 32 CML Rev (1995)
Weiler, Eurocracy and Distrust, 61 Washington Law Review 1103 (1986)
On Human Rights as a System of Values and Cultural Relativism
Renteln, The Unanswered Challenge of Relativism and the Consequences for Human Rights, 7 Human Rights Quarterly 514 (1987)
An-Na'im (ed) Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives (1992)
Weiler, Thou Shalt Not Oppress a Stranger, 3 European Journal of International Law 65 (1992)
On the Application of European Human Rights by National Jurisdictions
A. Dremczewski, The European Rights Convention in Domestic Law (1983)
Arnull and Jacobs, Applying the Common Rules on the Free Movement of Persons -- The role of the national judiciary in the light of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice, in H.G. Schermers et. al (eds) Free Movement of Persons in Europe ( 1993) 272
Bingham, "There is a World Elsewhere": The Changing Perspectives of English Law [1992] 41 ICLQ 513
Bingham, The European Convention on Human Rights, Time to Incorporate [1993] 109 LQR 390
Browne Wilkinson, The Incorporation of a Bill of Rights [1992] PL 397
Laws, Is the High Court of Justice the Guardian of Fundamental Constitutional Rights? [1993] Public Law 59
Weiler, The European Court at a Crossroads: Community Human Rights and member State Action, in Capotorti et al (eds) Du Droit International au droit de l'intÈgration Liiber Amicorum Pierre Pescatore (1987)
On the Relationship between Human Rights and Integration
Frowein, Schulhofer and Shapiro, The Protection of Fundamental Rights as a Vehicle of Integration, in Cappelletti, Seccombe & Weiler, Integration Through Law Vol I, Book 3, p 231 (1984)
Mancini, A Constitution for Europe, 16 CML Rev 595 (1989) at 611
Pescatore, The Content and Significance of Fundamental Rights in the Law of theEuropean Communities (1981) HRLR 295
Relation between Community Protection of Human Rights and the ECHR:
G. Cohen-Jonathan, La Convention europÈenne des droits de l'homme et la CommunautÈ europÈenne, in MÈlange F. Dehousse, (1977)
Pipkorn, La CommunautÈ EuropÈenne et la Convention EuropÈenne des Droits de L'Homme, 14 Revue Trim. des Droits de L'Homme 221 (1993)
De Salvia, La Protezione dei diritti dell'uomo nel quadro della Convenzione Europea e seconda il diritto Communitario: Interferenze e Problemi di Coordinamento, (1979) Diritto Comunitario e degli scambi internaionale 489
Grief, The Domestic Impact of the ECHR as Mediated through Community Law [1991] Public Law 555
R.St.J. Macdonald, The Margin of Appreciation in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (1990) AEL Vol.I Book 2, 95