Jean Monnet Center at NYU School of Law


Selected Bibliography

Agné, Hans: Demokrati på europeisk nivå pp. 7-44 in Agné, Hans; Lundström, Mats; Majone, Giandomenico; Scharpf, Fritz W. (eds.): Demokrati på europeisk nivå?, SOU 1998:124, Elanders Gotab, Stockholm, 1998

Antola, Esko: Talous- ja rahaliiton vaikutukset Euroopan Unionin toimintaan ja institutionaaliseen rakenteeseen, Valtioneuvoston kanslian julkaisusarja 1997/18, Helsinki, 1997

Arndt, Hubertus: Zur Frage der Legitimität der Europäischen Zentralbankautonomie, pp. 208-228 i Maurer, A. and Thiele, B. (eds.): Legitimationsprobleme und Demokratisierung der Europäischen Union, Schüren Presseverlag, Marburg, 1996

Brentford, Philip: Constitutional Aspects of the Independence of the European Central Bank, 47 ICLQ 1998, pp. 75-116

De Búrca, Gráinne: The Quest for Legitimacy in the European Union, 59:3 MLR 1996, pp. 349-376

Castrén, Olli: Accountability of the ECB and a Government's Incentives to Rebel against the Common Monetary Policy in EMU, Bank of Finland Discussion Papers 2/99, Helsinki, 1999

Chryssochoou, Dimitris N.: Democracy in the European Union, Tauris Academic Studies, London, 1998

Cooper, Richard: Yes to European Monetary Unification but No to the Maastricht Treaty, pp. 69-71 in Steinherr, Alfred (ed.): 30 Years of European Monetary Integration, Longman Group Limited, Harlow, 1994

Crombeen, Iris L.P.: The Legal Duties of the European Commission: Towards Private-Party Complaints in EC Competition Cases, Maastricht Journal of European Comparative Law 1998 Vol. 5 Nr. 2, pp. 153-184

Curtin, D.M.: Postnational Democracy, The EU in Search of a Political Philosophy, Kluwer, The Hague / London / Boston, 1997

Danelius, Hans: Mänskliga rättigheter i europeisk praxis - En kommentar till Europakonvention om de mänskliga rättigheterna, Norstedts juridik AB, Stockholm 1998

Dashwood, Alan; Dutheil de la Rochère, Jacqueline; O'Keeffe, David; Roth, Wulf-Henning; Slot, Piet Jan; Timmermans, Christiaan and Winter, Jan A.: Executive Agencies within the EC: The European Central Bank - a model? Editorial Comments, 33 (4) CML Rev 1996, pp. 623-631

Dunnett, D.R.R.: Legal and Institutional Issues affecting Economic and Monetary Union in O´Keeffe and Twomey (eds.): Legal Issues of the Maastricht Treaty, Chancery Law Publishing, Bath, 1994, pp. 135-147

Edwards, Geoffrey: Legitimacy and Flexibility in Post-Amsterdam Europe pp. 121- 140 in den Boer, Guggenbühl and Vanhoonacker (eds.): Coping with Flexibility and Legitimacy after Amsterdam, European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, 1998

Elgie, Robert: Democratic Accountability and Central Bank Independence: Historical and Contemporary, National and European Perspectives, 21 (3) West European Politics, July 1998, pp. 53-76

Goodhart, Charles A.E.: The European System of Central Banks after Maastricht pp. 215-139 in Goodhart, Charles A.E. (ed.): Policy Issues in the Operation of Currency Unions, Cambridge University Press, 1993

Gormley, Laurence and de Haan, Jakob: The Democratic Deficit of the European Central Bank, 21 (2) EL Rev April 1996, pp. 95-112

Gros, Daniel: Delivering Price Stability in EMU: the European System of Central Banks, pp. 341-363 in Francke, Hans-Hermann (ed.): Europäische Währungsunion: Von den Konzeption zur Gestaltung / Beihäfte zu Kredit und Kapital H. 14/1998, Duncker&Humblot, Berlin, 1998

Gros, Daniel and Thygesen, Nils: European Monetary Integration, From the European Monetary System to European Monetary Union, Longman, London, 1992

Gustavsson, Sverker: Preserve or Abolish the Democratic Deficit? pp. 100-123 in Smith, Eivind (ed.): National Parliaments as Cornerstones of European Integration, Kluwer, London, 1996

Gustavsson, Sverker: Sökandet efter en tredje möjlighet, pp. 172-218 in Bernitz, Ulf (ed.): EU i dag, SNS Förlag, Stockholm, 1998

Von Hagen, Jürgen: Penningpolitik och institutioner i EMU, SOU 1996:158, Norstedts tryckeri, Stockholm, 1997

Hahn, Hugo J.: The European Central Bank: Key to European Monetary Union or Target? 28 CML Rev 1991, pp. 783-820

Harden, Ian: The Constitution of the European Union, Public Law 1994, pp. 609-624

Harden, Ian: Sovereinty and the Eurofed, (1990) 61, Political Quartertly, pp. 402-414

Heikkilä, Vesa: Euroopan keskuspankkijärjestelmä Euroopan Yhteisön Talous- ja Rahaliitossa. Kansainvälis - julkisoikeudellinen analyysi, Eurooppa-Instituutti, Turku, 1993

Herdegen, Matthias J.: Price Stability and Budgetary Restraints in the Economic and Monetary Union: The Law as Guardian of Economic Wisdom, 35 CML Rev (1998), pp. 9-32

Hermansson, Jörgen: Om möjligheten att demokratiskt rättfärdiga den ekonomiska och monetära unionen, (SOU 1996:158), Norstedts tryckeri, Stockholm, 1996

Hirst, Paul and Thompson, Grahame: Globalization in Question: The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance, Cambridge Polity Press, Cambridge, 1996

Hix, Simon: Elections, Parties and Institutional Design: A Comparative Perspective on European Union Democracy, 21 (3) West European Politics 1998, pp. 19-52

Hoffmeyer, Erik: Economic and Monetary Union. The Case for Central Bank Independence, Danmarks Nationalbank Monetary Review, May 1992, pp. 32-39, 1992b

Jyränki, Antero: Valta ja Vapaus, Lakimiesliiton kustannus, Helsinki, 1994

Kirchgässner, Gebhard: Constitutional Economics and Its Relevance for the Evolution of Rules, 47 Kyklos 3 (1994), pp. 321-339

Koskenniemi, Martti: The Effect of Rights on Political Culture, pp. 99-116 in Alston, Philip: The EU and Human Rights, Oxford University Press, 1999

Laffan, Brigid: EMU som politiskt projekt, Bilaga 14 till EMU-utredningen (SOU 1996:158), Norstedts tryckeri, Stockholm 1997

Lastra, Rosa Maria: The Independence of the European System of Central Banks, 33 Harvard Journal of International Law (2) 1992, pp. 475-519

Louis, Jean-Victor: From EMS to Monetary Union, Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg 1990

Louis, Jean-Victor: Some Legal Issues of the Building of a Monetary Union, pp. 1-18 in Rudanko, Matti and Timonen, Pekka (eds.): European Financial Area, Helsingin yliopiston Kansainvälisen talousoikeuden instituutin julkaisuja, Gummerus, Saarijärvi, 1998

Louis, Jean-Victor; Séche, Jean-Claude; Wolfcarius, Marie; Margellos, Théophile och Marchipont, Jean-Francois: Commentaire Megret, Le Droit de la CEE 6: Union Economique et Monetaire, Cohesion Economique et Sociale, Politique Industrielle et Technologique Europeenne, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, Brussels, 1995

MacCormick, Neil: Sovereignty, Democracy, Subsidiarity, Juridisk Tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet 1994-95 nr 2, pp. 290-298

Majone, Giandomenico: The Agency Model: The Growth of Regulation and Regulatory Institutions in the European Union, Journal of European Public Policy 1996, pp. 9-14

Majone, Giandomenico: Report: Flexibility and Legitimacy in the European Community pp. 153-155 in den Boer, Guggenbühl och Vanhoonacker (eds.): Coping with Flexibility and Legitimacy after Amsterdam, European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, 1998

Mann, F.A.: The Legal Aspect of Money, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992

Martenczuk, Bernd: Der Europäische Rat und die Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion, Europarecht, Heft 2 März-April 1998, Jahrgang 33, pp. 151-177

Mayes, David G.: Evolving Voluntary Rules for the Operation of the European Central Bank, Finlands Banks diskussionsunderlag 2/98, Helsinki 1998

Nergelius, Joakim: Amsterdamfördraget och EU:s institutionella maktbalans, Norstedts Juridik AB, Stockholm, 1998

Nida-Rümelin, Julian: Structural Rationality, Democratic Citizenship and the New Europe, pp. 34-49 in Lehning, Percy B. and Weale, Albert (eds.): Citizenship, democracy and justice in the new Europe, Routledge, London, 1997

Obradovic, Daniela: Policy Legitimacy and the European Union, 34(2) JCMS June 1996, pp. 191-216

O'Leary, Siofra: The Relationship between Community Citizenship and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in Community Law, 32 CML Rev 1995, pp. 519-554

Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso: The Road to Monetary Union in Europe - The Emperor, the Kings and the Genies, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1994

Pipkorn, Jörn: Legal Arrangements in the Treaty of Maastricht for the Effectiveness of the Economic and Monetary Union, 31 CML Rev 1994, pp. 263-291

Piris, Jean-Claude: After Maastricht, are the Community Institutions More Efficacious, More Democratic and More Transparent? 19 ELRev 1994, pp. 449-487

Rosas, Allan: Article 21, pp. 431-452 in Alfredsson, Gudmundur and Asbjorn, Eide (eds.): The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Kluwer, The Hague 1999

Scheinin, Martin: EMU ja demokratia, Valtioneuvoston kanslian julkaisusarja 1997/22, Helsinki, 1997a

Scheinin, Martin: EMU ja Suomen valtiosääntö, Yhteiseen rahaan siirtyminen ja Suomen Pankin asema, Lakimiesliiton kustannus, Helsinki, 1997b

Scheinin, Martin: Towards a Monetary Union in Europe - Aspects of Constitutional Law, pp. 19-34 in Rudanko, Matti and Timonen, Pekka (eds.): European Financial Area, Helsingin yliopiston Kansainvälisen talousoikeuden instituutin julkaisuja, Gummerus, Saarijärvi, 1998

Scott, Andrew: Comments on Geoffrey Edwards' Article, pp. 141- 151 in den Boer, Guggenbühl and Vanhoonacker (eds.): Coping with Flexibility and Legitimacy after Amsterdam, European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, 1998

Smits, René: The European Central Bank: Institutional Aspects, 45 ICQL 1996, pp. 319-342

Smits, René: The European Central Bank, Institutional Aspects, Kluwer, The Hague, 1997

Smits, René: A Single Currency for Europe and the Karlsruhe Court, Legal Issues of European Integration 1994/2, pp. 115-133

Snyder, Francis: Comments on the Article by D.M. Curtin, pp. 126-130 in Winter, Jan A.; Curtin, Deidre M.; Kellermann, Alfred E. and de Witte, Bruno (eds.): Reforming the Treaty on European Union - The Legal Debate, Kluwer, The Hague, 1996

Snyder, Francis: EMU - Metaphor for European Union? Institutions, Rules and Types of Regulation, pp. 63-99 in Dehousse, Renaud (ed.): Europe after Maastricht - An Ever Closer Union?, Law Books in Europe, Munich, 1994

Snyder, Francis: EMU Revisited: Are We Making a Constitution? What Constitution Are We Making? pp. 417-477 in Craig, Paul and de Búrca, Gráinne (eds.): The Evolution of EU Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999

Studt, Detlef: Rechtsfragen einer europäischen Zentralbank, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1993

Torrent, Ramon: Whom is the European Central Bank the Central Bank of?: Reaction to Zilioli and Selmayr, 36 CML Rev 1999, pp. 1229-1241

Ungerer, Horst: European Monetary Union: Chances-Risks-Alternatives, pp. 153-162 in Monar, Jörg; Ungerer, Werner and Wessels, Wolfgang (eds.): The Maastricht Treaty on European Union - Legal Complexity and Political Dynamics, EIP, Brussels, 1993

Zilioli, C. and Selmayr, M.: The External Relations of the Euro Area: Legal Aspects, 36 CML Rev 1999, pp. 273-349

Ward, Ian: The Margins of European Law, Macmillan Press, Chippenham, 1996

Weiler, J.H.H.; Haltern, Ulrich R. and Mayer, Franz C.: European Democracy and Its Critique pp. 4-39 in Hayward, J.: The Crisis of Representation in Europe, Special Issue of Western European Politics, Vol. 18, No. 3 (July 1995), Frank Cass & Co. Ltd, London, 1995b

Internet Material:

De Grauwe, Paul: ECB, a Law unto itself, Financial Times 12.11.1998, wysisyg://106/, home page visited 29.6.1999 at 16.34, last updated 28.6.1999 at 19.55.51 GMT

Duisenberg, Willem F.: Presentation of the ECB's Annual Report 1998 to the European Parliament, Strasbourg, 26.10.1999,, home page visited 10.2.2000 at 18.39, last updated 26.10.1999 at 15.38.28 GMT

Gustavsson, Sverker: Reconciling Suprastatism and Democratic Accountability, Jean Monnet Papers (Nr. 11/1999), Harvard Law School 1999,, home page visited 6.1.2000 at 15.18, last updated 15.12.1999 at 16.16

Issing, Otmar: The Monetary Policy of the ECB: Stability, Transparency, Accountability, Speech at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 25.10.1999,, home page visited 10.2.2000 at 18.41, last updated 25.10.1999 at 08.53.32 GMT



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